2024世界交通运输大会 投稿须知     典型人物
WTC2023 平行论坛 | 国家公交都市创新发展研讨会
来源:世界交通运输大会WTC 时间:2023-06-12


时间(Time):2023-06-15 08:30-17:30

地点(Room):会议厅1-7(Room 1-7)



Building a Green,Smart and Shared Transit Metropolis




National Urban Transport Branch of China Highway and Transportation Society



Changsha Intelligent Driving Institute





Tencent WeTransport


崔学忠 交通运输部科学研究院原副院长

Cui Xuezhong, Former Vice President of China Academy of Transportation Sciences




Opening Speech


Keynote Presentations



Review and Outlook of Urban Public Transport Prioritized Development in China

报告人:周伟 交通运输部原总工程师兼政策研究室主任

Reporter:Zhou Wei, Former Chief Engineer and Director of Policy Research Office for Ministry of Transport



Change to the Future -- Thoughts on the Process of Transit Metropolis Construction

报告人:陈小钢 交通运输部推动城市公共交通优先发展专家库组长 中国公路学会城市交通分会副理事长

Reporter:Chen Xiaogang, Team leader of the Expert Database on the Urban Transit Priority Development, MOT.



Theory and Practice of Transportation Governance in Beijing

报告人:周正宇 北京市交通委员会原主任 交通运输部第四届部长政策咨询委员会委员

Reporter:Zhou Zhengyu, Former Director of Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport



The Co-development of Smart City and Transit Metropolis

报告人:马潍 长沙智能驾驶研究院 联合创始人&总经理

Reporter:Ma Wei, Changsha Intelligent Driving Institute Ltd. CEO



Traffic Development of Shanghai Metropolitan Area under the Background of Yangtze River Delta Integration

报告人:薛美根 上海市城乡建设和交通发展研究院院长

Reporter:Xue Meigen, President of Shanghai Institute of Urban and Rural Construction and Transportation Development




High Peak Dialogue


陈徐梅 交通运输部科学研究院城市交通与轨道交通研究中心总工程师

Chen Xumei, The Chief Engineer of China Urban Sustainable Transport Research Center,China Academy of Transportation Sciences,MOT



The Pain Point and Difficulties of the Transit Metropolis Construction and How to Solve the Problems


陈小钢 交通运输部推动城市公共交通优先发展专家库组长 中国公路学会城市交通分会副理事长

周正宇 北京市交通委员会原主任 交通运输部第四届部长政策咨询委员会委员

薛美根 上海市城乡建设和交通发展研究院院长

薛河川 郑州市交通运输局党组成员 副局长

马潍 长沙智能驾驶研究院 联合创始人&总经理

Dialogue Guest:

Chen Xiaogang, Team leader of the Expert Database on the Urban Transit Priority Development, MOT.

Zhou Zhengyu, Former Director of Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport

Xue Meigen, President of Shanghai Institute of Urban and Rural Construction and Transportation Development

Xue Hechuan, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director for the Zhengzhou Transportation Bureau

Ma Wei, Changsha Intelligent Driving Institute Ltd. CEO


Group Photo



Tour Exhibition


Theme 1:Practice and Exploration of the Transit Metropolis Construction


姚恩建 北京交通大学交通运输学院党委书记 教授

Yao Enjian, Professor, Secretary of the Party Committee of Traffic and Transportation School, Beijing Jiaotong University



Public Transport Digital Dransformation and Development

报告人:戴斌 深圳巴士集团股份有限公司党委书记 董事长

Reporter:Dai Bin, Chairman and Party Secretary of Shenzhen Bus Group Co., Ltd.



Thoughts on the Integrated Development of Public Transport in Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area

报告人:薛河川 郑州市交通运输局党组成员 副局长

Reporter:Xue Hechuan, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director for the Zhengzhou Transportation Bureau



Shared Two-wheeled Bicycle Helps Construction of City with Public Transit

报告人:孙振填 美团 美团交通研究院院长

Reporter:Sun Zhentian, Dean of Traffic Research Institute at Meituan



Insights from an AV Shuttle Pilot Project in an Urban Setting in the US

报告人:克里斯托·S·萨诺芬托 美国运输委员会(TRB)国际协调委员会联合主席 美国罗德岛交通部(RIDOT)行政服务助理总监

Reporter:Christos S. XENOPHONTOS, Co-Chair of TRB's International Coordinating Council; Assistant Director for Administrative Services for the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT)




Theme 1:Practice and Exploration of the Transit Metropolis Construction


温惠英 华南理工大学智能交通系统与物流技术研究所副所长

Wen Huiying, The Deputy Director of SCUT Intelligent Transportation System and Logistics Technology Institute



Thoughts on the Coordinated Development of Urban Public Transport and Shared Travel

报告人:路熙 交通运输部科学研究院 城市交通与轨道交通研究中心政策标准研究室副主任

Reporter:Lu Xi, Deputy Director of Policy and Standard Research Office, China Urban Sustainable Transport Research Center,China Academy of Transportation Sciences,MOT



The Data-driven Bus Improvement

报告人:付凌峰 中国城市规划设计研究院中部分院规划研究部副主任

Reporter:Fu Lingfeng, China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Deputy Director of Planning and Research Department,Midland Branch


数字驱动·开放融合 赋能以人为本的数字公交

With Digital Driven, for Open and Integrated, Enabling People-oriented Digital Public Transport.

报告人:宋征 腾讯智慧交通城市交通及网联总经理

Reporter:Song Zheng, General Manager of department of Tencent Wetransport, Cloud & Smart Industries Group (CSIG), Tencent



Innovative Development Strategies of Urban Public Transport in China

报告人:乔纳森·斯皮尔 阿特金斯集团交通政策和战略顾问 英国公路运输特许机构迪拜集团主席

Reporter:Jonathan Spear, Transport Policy and Strategy Advisor, Atkins, Dubai, UAE; Chairman, CIHT Dubai Group




Former Chief Engineer and Director of Policy Research Office for Ministry of Transport


【Introduction】Professor, doctoral supervisor, former Chief engineer and Director of Policy Research Office of Ministry of Transport, expert of government special allowance. He is now the chairman of the Expert Committee of the Ministry and Chinese expert member of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development. He served as the sixth and seventh vice president of China Highway and Transportation Society and the representative of the 16th and 17th CPC National Congress. He is mainly engaged in highway planning, policy research, highway hub planning, traffic economy and management, and other fields. He has completed more than 50 scientific research projects, won 8 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards, and was awarded the Outstanding Contribution Award in the field of China's environment and Development by Vice Premier Zeng Peiyan. He has published more than 100 papers and 6 monographs.


【Report】Review and Outlook of Urban Public Transport Prioritized Development in China


【Report Summaries】Report Summaries:this report reviews the development process of urban public transportation in China since the Reform and Opening-up,and analyzes the bottleneck,opportunities and challenges in the process of urban public transport modernization. According to the thinking of "strengthening the public welfare attributes, strengthening the concept of priority development, and strengthening the main responsibility of the government", this report proposes five considerations and suggestions. The first is to promote the integration of public transportation and urban development in the urban Strategic level. The second is to promote the coordinated develop.


北京市交通委员会原主任 交通运输部第四届部长政策咨询委员会委员

Former Director of Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport


【Introduction】CPC member, Doctor of Engineering, professor-level senior engineer. He has served as deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport, member of the Party Group, Director of the Beijing Municipal Traffic Readiness Office, executive director of the China Civil Engineering Society, Honorary chairman of the Beijing Highway Society, vice chairman of the Beijing Transportation Society, and deputy secretary-general of the municipal government. He has been engaged in the research on comprehensive urban transportation management for a long time, and has carried out a lot of basic theoretical research and practical work around the transportation problems in the development of the capital city and the sustainable development of transportation under the background of the rapid development of the capital city.


【Report】Theory and Practice of Transportation Governance in Beijing


【Report Summaries】Through strict analysis and comprehensive evaluation of Beijing urban traffic development, the Beijing traffic congestion management is divided into different stages of development. From several aspects such as population, function and space layout, this report traces the origin to find out the cause of urban congestion, summarizes several actual cases of successful governance, accurately analyzes the causes of congestion and analysis of successful cases, and demonstrates the comprehensive strategy of urban traffic governance. Also, it proposes suggestions and measures for root causes, precise symptoms, symptoms and comprehensive management, and shares the concept of Beijing's urban traffic management and the practice process of continuous exploration.


交通运输部推动城市公共交通优先发展专家库组长 中国公路学会城市交通分会副理事长

Team leader of the Expert Database on the Urban Transit Priority Development, MOT.


【Introduction】Doctor of Management. He has presided over the acceptance of the National Transit Metropolis Demonstration Project in 40 cities, and has a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the development status of the national public transport. He used to be the administrative director of Guangzhou District Government and the director of the transportation department of Guangzhou Municipal Government. He made great efforts in the aspects of public transportation organization, information construction, safety management and green transformation. His research and application of key technologies analyzed by transportation organization of comprehensive passenger transport hub won the third prize of Science and technology of China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association in 2018. The development and promotion of pure electric buses in Guangzhou won the C40 City "Green Technology" Award, developed two patents for public transport safety technology.


【Report】Change to the Future -- Thoughts on the Process of Transit Metropolis Construction


【Report Summaries】In recent years, the bus operation has fundamental changes. Especially in small and medium-sized cities, the bus system has encountered unprecedented challenges. In the face of challenges, only change can weather the storm and fulfill the public welfare responsibility of the public transport industry. This resport builds a community bus system close to the needs of public travel by introducing the people's algorithm and the miniaturized thinking of the dense line network in small and medium-sized cities, which is a possible solution for the future transit metropolis construction.



Former Vice President of China Academy of Transportation Sciences

【专家简介】正高级工程师,交通运输部科学研究院原副院长。参与编写《中国道路运输发展报告(2001、2002、2003)》等著作。参与起草《国务院关于城市优先发展公共交通的指导意见》等行业指导性文件。参与制定《城市轨道交通试运营基本条件》(GB/T 30013-2013)等多项国家及行业标准。组织完成诸多交通运输部科技项目和标准研究项目。组织开展哈尔滨、郑州等城市的“公交都市”创建工作和综合交通发展规划编制工作。

【Introduction】He is a senior engineer and former vice president of China Academy of Transportation Sciences. Participated in the compilation of "National Report on Road Transport Development (2001, 2002, 2003)" and other works. Participating in the drafting of the “Guidance of The State Council on Prioritizing the Development of Public Transport” and other industrial guiding documents. Participating in the formulation of "Basic Conditions for Trial Operation of Urban Rail Transit" (GB/T 30013-2013) and other national and industrial standards. He organized and completed many science and technology projects and standard research projects of the Ministry of Transport. He carried out the creation of "Transit Metropolis"in Harbin, Zhengzhou and other cities and the formulated comprehensive transportation development plans.



President of Shanghai Institute of Urban and Rural Construction and Transportation Development


【Introduction】Director of Yangtze River Delta traffic integration research center, professor-level senior engineer, adjunct professor of Tongji university, PhD supervisor, enjoy special government allowances of the State Council. Member of human settlements environment committee, science and technology committee of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Member of expert group at Shanghai Urban Planning Committee. Director of Shanghai science and technology information and intelligent city committee, Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology, Shanghai Committee of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Member of the Decision-making and consulting committee, Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology, Shanghai Municipal Commission He has been engaged in urban comprehensive transportation planning and policy research for a long time. In recent years, he has been responsible for the White Paper on Shanghai's new round of transportation development, Shanghai's 14th Five-Year Comprehensive Transportation Planning, and the integrated development of transportation in the Yangtze River Delta.


【Report】Traffic Development of Shanghai Metropolitan Area under the Background of Yangtze River Delta Integration


【Report Summaries】The new round of Shanghai overall urban planning clearly indicated the development strategy of constructing Shanghai metropolitan circle by regional coordinated development, and promotes the integrated and high-quality development of urban agglomeration at Yangtze River Delta . Based on the experience of transportation development in international metropolises and the reality of coordinated development between Shanghai and surrounding areas, this report studies and establishes a regional comprehensive transportation model of the Yangtze River Delta, proposes the radiation scope and spatial structure form of Shanghai metropolitan area, and aims at the requirements of transportation development in Shanghai metropolitan area. This report puts forward some suggestions on the metro transit mode, the coordinated development of AIRPORTS, the traffic development mode of adjacent towns, and the research mechanism and technology of METRO transit planning.


北京交通大学交通运输学院党委书记 教授

Professor, Secretary of the Party Committee of Traffic and Transportation School, Beijing Jiaotong University


【Introduction】He has served as the deputy director of the traffic engineering division of the Ministry of Education, the chairman of the transportation planning committee of World Transport Convention (WTC), and the director of the Key Laboratory of the Transportation Industry for Comprehensive Transportation Big Data Application Technology. His research focuses on comprehensive transport, low-carbon transportation, ITS, etc. He has been the principal investigator of more than 40 research projects including National key research and development projects, NSFC projects, published more than 200 research papers and 5 books, and registered 20 invention patents. He received the second prize of the Beijing Science and Technology Award, the first prize of Science and Technology Award of China Communications and Transportation Association, the first prize of Science and Technology Award of China Urban Rail Transit Association, the top 10 outstanding scientific and technological experts of China Highway Society, the excellent teacher of Beijing.


长沙智能驾驶研究院 联合创始人&总经理

Changsha Intelligent Driving Institute Ltd. CEO


【Introduction】Wei Ma, CEO of Changsha Intelligent Driving Institute Ltd. (CIDI), PhD in Electrical and Electronic Systems, University of Surrey. He was the Director of the Central Research Institute of Texas Instruments and Director of the US National Semiconductor Laboratory. Research on signal processing, processor architecture, embedded systems, radio communications and intelligent driving. He has started 2 businesses in Silicon Valley and holds more than 50 US patents. Over the past five years, Dr. Ma has led CIDI to achieve rapid development in the field of commercial autonomous driving and intelligent connectivity. He is an expert in industrial strategy and innovation development methodology, and has in-depth research on intelligent connectivity and autonomous driving products.


【Report】The Co-development of Smart City and Transit Metropolis


【Report Summaries】Recent years, the traffic congestion is getting worse in most cities in China, and the service of public bus system is challenged. The development of Intelligent Connected Vehicle is driving the innovation of transportation, energy and cities. Based on the C-V2X (Vehicle-to-everything) technology, Changsha Intelligent Driving Institutes (CiDi) proposed "active bus priority" solution to improve the efficiency and punctuality of urban bus system.



The Deputy Director of SCUT Intelligent Transportation System and Logistics Technology Institute


【Introduction】She currently serves as the deputy director of SCUT Intelligent Transportation System and Logistics Technology Institute, the leader of Traffic System Planning and Safety Management Team, the member of Urban Traffic Committee of China Highway Society, and the deputy director of Transportation Committee of Guangdong Urban Planning Association. She has been engaged in research and teaching in the field of transportation for nearly 30 years, and has been the PI for over 100 research projects, including 4 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and 5 projects funded by Guangdong Provincial Industrial Science and Technology Project, and Guangzhou Municipal Key Science and Technology Project. She has been approved for more than 20 invention patents and software Copyrights and has also published more than 100 papers in important academic journals, among which nearly 30 were indexed by SCI and EI.


郑州市交通运输局党组成员 副局长

Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director for the Zhengzhou Transportation Bureau


【Introduction】Graduated from Zhengzhou University, is currently a member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of Zhengzhou Transportation Bureau, and the executive deputy director of Zhengzhou Transportation Standard Technical Committee. He is mainly responsible for urban bus, subway, scientific and technological information, etc. In recent years, conducting bus urban creation, green travel create work, preside over compiling of zhengzhou public transport integration, urban and rural road passenger transportation, etc. Series of special planning, carried out the study of zhengzhou city logistics information platform construction and so on a number of scientific and technological achievements in henan province to study, to be responsible for the 11th national minority tradition sports games transportation service.


【Report】Thoughts on the Integrated Development of Public Transport in Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area


【Report Summaries】Focusing on the goal of building Zhengzhou into a modern national central city, the general idea of public transport leading intensive and green development is adhered. This report studies and proposes a "trinity" urban public transport integrated development plan in Zhengzhou metropolitan area: promoting network integration and enhancing integrated development; Promoting cohesive integration to achieve seamless development; promote the integration of operation, innovating quality development. A city model of integrated public transport development with "three-dimensional integration, efficient accessibility, first-class experience and people's satisfaction" will be created, which continues to support and promote the construction of a first-class national public transport city in Zhengzhou.


深圳巴士集团股份有限公司党委书记 董事长

Chairman and Party Secretary of Shenzhen Bus Group Co., Ltd


【Introduction】He is the Chairman and Party Secretary of Shenzhen Bus Group Co., Ltd. He has the doctorate in management science. Because of great progress and achievements in digital transformation, Shenzhen Bus Group has won awards in such field, including Excellent Case of Digital Transformation awarded by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, First Prize of National Enterprise Management Innovation, National Quality Benchmark,Outstanding Digital Technology Enterprise by the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, and First Prize of Electronic Information Technology Achievements in Guangdong Province, etc.


【Report】Public Transport Digital Dransformation and Development


【Report Summaries】The traditional public transport service mode can no longer meet people's demand for comfortable, convenient and smart mobility services, requiring more refined safety and operation management for the enterprise. Therefore, Shenzhen Bus Group initiated.



The Chief Engineer of China Urban Sustainable Transport Research Center,China Academy of Transportation Sciences,MOT


【Introduction】She currently serving as the Chief Engineer of the CUSTReC at CATS, a member of the National Urban Passenger Transport Standardization Technical Committee, and also serving as the convener of the Working Group of PIARC TC 2.1.Her main research areas include urban public transportation and low-carbon transportation . Mainly supporting industry policies, demonstration actions as well as the National Urban Public Transport Regulations. Compiled 5 national and industry standards, and won 2 first-level prizes and 3 second-level prizes of science and technology progress awards.


交通运输部科学研究院 城市交通与轨道交通研究中心政策标准研究室副主任

Deputy Director of Policy and Standard Research Office, China Urban Sustainable Transport Research Center,China Academy of Transportation Sciences,MOT


【Introduction】Ph.D, deputy director of policy and standards section of urban transport and rail transit research center, China Academy of Transportation Science. He has long been engaged in urban traffic research, mainly focusing on urban traffic congestion control, urban transit and green-friendly travel related policies, urban traffic simulation model development and application, etc. During this period, he fully participated in the drafting and formulation of important policy documents such as “Decree of urban public transport” and “ Green travel action plan”, presided or participated in more than 10 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, edited or participated in the compilation of 8 books, published more than 20 research articles, and prepared and revised 3 national and industry standards.


【Report】Thoughts on the Coordinated Development of Urban Public Transport and Shared Travel


【Report Summaries】Based on the present situation of urban public transportation development in China, in a typical city as an example, combined with the Shared cycling operating data and the way of city travel survey data, focus on Shared cycling way to travel, travel to share of public transport service extending coverage index as an example, the analysis of urban public transportation and travel development of Shared synergies, To evaluate the positioning of shared travel in the current urban transportation structure, and put forward suggestions for the development of future urban travel services.



China Academy of Urban Planning & Design, Deputy Director of Planning and Research Department,Midland Branch


【Introduction】Ph.D. in Systems Engineering,Professor Senior Engineer,Engaged in the application of urban traffic data applications,and presided over nearly 50 data models and intelligent transportation projects,Responsible for the "China Urban Commuting Report" ,used to be the deputy director of Xi'an Metro.


【Report】The Data-driven Bus Improvement


【Report Summaries】The data-driven bus improvement is the practice of the traffic model team of CAUPD to solve urban problems with data.In response to the dilemma of increasing investment in many cities and declining the bus share rates, we used data to draw two maps.Map of transit problems: Examining bus services from the perspective of the city, locating the dilemma and causes of public transport, not lack of demand but insufficient service.Transit-optimized maps:Break through the traditional bus planning concept, to find high-frequency corridors and intelligent networked bus solutions,to Use information technology to drive the upgrading of urban public transport.


美国运输委员会(TRB)国际协调委员会联合主席 美国罗德岛交通部(RIDOT)行政服务助理总监

Christos S. XENOPHONTOS, Co-Chair of TRB's International Coordinating Council; Assistant Director for Administrative Services for the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT)


【Introduction】He is Assistant Director for Administrative Services for the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT), has more than 35 years of experience in the Transportation field as an Engineer, Project Manager and Administrator. He currently leads RIDOT’s Research and Innovation initiatives, including the Little Roady pilot project on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Christos is active, both at the national and international level, and has a keen interest on Organizational Excellence, Public Value Creation, Emerging Topics on Performance Management, and the impact of emerging and disruptive technologies on the performance of Transport Administrations. He is the Chair of AASHTO’s Committee on Performance Based Management, Chair of PIARC’s Technical Committee 1.1 on the “Performance of Transport Administrations”, and co-Chair of the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) International Coordinating Council. In addition, he serves on the Advisory Board of multiple research projects and entities.


【Report】Insights from an AV Shuttle Pilot Project in an Urban Setting in the US


【Report Summaries】This report introduces the current situation of the development of automatic driving in the United States. The system design and experimental cases of the development of automatic driving in the urban environment are introduced and analyzed. The key points of the development of automatic driving in the United States are also showed. The development elements of automatic driving in the future urban area is expounded, namely data sharing mechanism, construction of laws and regulations, traffic supervision environment, construction of automatic driving traffic system, etc.


阿特金斯集团交通政策和战略顾问 英国公路运输特许机构迪拜集团主席

Jonathan Spear, Transport Policy and Strategy Advisor, Atkins, Dubai, UAE; Chairman, CIHT Dubai Group


【Introduction】Jonathan Spear is a Transport Policy and Strategy Advisor with 27 years’ experience in public policy, strategy, governance, skills analysis and capacity building. Much of this has specialized in national, regional and local transport policy frameworks, institutional structures and processes. He has worked extensively in the international arena, including Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific, and been based in London, Dubai, Beijing, Hong Kong and Singapore. Recent focus areas include urban public transport, autonomous and electric vehicles, urban air mobility, micromobility and transport net zero. Jonathan is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) and a Chartered Transport Planning Professional (CTPP). He is one of the founding members and current Chair of the CIHT Dubai Group. He has also chaired four Working Groups on organisational research for the World Road Association, PIARC, including currently leading work on Disruptive Technologies and Service Models.


【Report】Innovative Development Strategies of Urban Public Transport in China


【Report Summaries】This Presentation, given by an international expert with long-running knowledge of Chinese transport policy and practice, explores some of the key challenges facing rapidly urbanising cities in China and the range of policy responses initiated by Central and City Government to tackle them over the past 15 years. These include investment in mass transit systems across various modes, but also initiatives to encourage active travel modes, manage the demand for transport and integrate land use and transport networks. A focus is given to priorities given environmental sustainability and the role of New Energy Vehicles in addressing transport emissions and decarbonisation. This is expanded to a consideration of wider disruptive transport technologies and service models, not only in China but cities and regions worldwide. A change in future approach is needed if successful outcomes are to be secured in coming decades towards 2050.


美团 美团交通研究院院长

Dean of Traffic Research Institute at Meituan


【Introduction】Ph.D,He is currently the Dean of Transportation Research Institute at Meituan, and the member of the Youth Expert Committee of China Highway Society. For a long time, he has been mainly engaged in the research of transport regulation policy, innovation technology policy, and solution for industry innovation. He has published more than 10 papers, won 1 first prize and 1 second prize of provincial and ministerial science and technology awards, and served as a member of the American Transportation Research Board (TRB) for 2 consecutive terms.


【Report】Shared Two-wheeled Bicycle Helps Construction of City with Public Transit


【Report Summaries】As an important part of urban green travel, the shared two-wheeled bicycle not only solves the travel problem of “the last one kilometer”, relieves the urban traffic congestion, promotes the energy conservation and emission reduction, but is more importantly helpful in realizing the way of green travel by “public transit+shared two-wheeled bicycle”, and even beneficial to the healthy and lasting development of a city. In terms of the actual functional orientation, shared two-wheeled bicycle undertakes a certain quasi-role of public services, and therefore, some relevant thinking as well as suggestions about how to better help the construction of urban integrated public transit system to promote the service level of public transit are put forward in combination with the requirements for construction of city with public transit and experience of shuttle operations by the shared cycling enterprises.



General Manager of department of Tencent Wetransport, Cloud & Smart Industries Group (CSIG), Tencent


【Introduction】Graduated from Tsinghua University with a PhD, currently, work for Urban Transportation, wetransport department, Cloud & Smart Industries Group (CSIG), Tencent. Been responsible for the nationwide implementation of urban transportation and ICV solutions. He was Senior Vice President of YiHuaLu, a public company, and President of the company’s Central Research Institute, also, responsible for the R&D of smart traffic system and related presale solutions.

【报告题目】数字驱动·开放融合 赋能以人为本的数字公交

【Report】With Digital Driven, for Open and Integrated, Enabling People-oriented Digital Public Transport


【Report Summaries】In view of the current situation of public transport, Tencent combines the core technologies such as Tencent Cloud, Tencent wemap, Internet data and V2X, together with ecological partners in the industry, to build innovative application services such as intelligent network-connected public transport, public transport management tools and MaaS services, so as to provide green, convenient, safe and efficient public transport services for the government, enterprises and citizens.

【编辑: 任 燕】


