2024世界交通运输大会 投稿须知     典型人物
WTC2023 平行论坛 | 迈向零碳交通:科学前沿与实践探索论坛
来源:中国公路网 时间:2023-06-01


Toward a Net-Zero-Carbon Transportation: State of the Art and Practice



2023-6-16 14:00~17:30


武汉中国光谷科技会展中心会议厅3-7(Room 3-7)



Decarbonization of Transportation


宋国华 北京交通大学,教授,环境学院党委书记;WTC交通工程学部交通安全与环境学科联合主席

Song Guohua, Professor, Beijing Jiaotong University; The Co-chair of Transportation Safety and Environment Discipline of WTC Transportation Engineering Division




WTC Transportation Engineering Division


Beijing Jiaotong University




Exploring New Ways of Decarbonization in the Transport Sector: Methodological Issues

报告人:张峻屹 日本工程院外籍院士、国家级计划人才、东南大学交通学院教授;WTC运输规划学部联合主席

Reporter:Zhang Junyi, Foreign member of the Academy of Engineering, Japan; National Talent Plan selected; Professor of College of Transportation, Southeast University; The Co-chair of WTC Transport Planning Division



New Frontiers for Urban Transportation System in Response to Advantages and Disadvantages of Motorized Society

报告人:赵胜川 大连理工大学交通运输学院教授、名誉院长;东京大学工学部荣誉研究员;WTC交通工程学部联合主席

Reporter:Zhao Shengchuan, Professor and Dean of School of Transportation, Dalian University of Technology; Fellow of Engineering Division, University of Tokyo; The Co-chair of WTC Transportation Engineering Division



Projection on Long-term (2050) China Road Transportation Electrification and GHG Emissions

报告人:王云石 主任,加州大学戴维斯分校交通研究院中国能源与交通中心

Reporter:Wang Yunshi, Director, China Center for Energy and Transportation, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis



Chinese Transportation Low Carbon Transition Technology and Policy Path Discussion

报告人:郭杰 中国国际可持续交通创新和知识中心交通国际问题研究所副所长(主持工作)

Reporter:Guo Jie, Director, Institute of International Studies on Transportation in Global Sustainable Transport Innovation and Knowledge Center



Scenarios, Patterns and Development Pathway of Road Transportation Clean Self-Consistent Energy System in China

报告人:师瑞峰 华北电力大学,教授

Reporter:Shi Ruifeng, Professor, North China Electric Power University



From Low Carbon to Zero Carbon, the Development Direction and Path of Transportation in Megacities

报告人:刘莹 北京交通发展研究院总工、北京交研都市交通科技有限公司常务副总,正高级工程师,国家能源计量中心(城市交通)负责人;WTC运输规划学部零排放与可持续交通行动技术委员会主席

Reporter:Liu Ying, Chief engineer of Beijing Traffic Development Research Institute; Executive Vice president of Beijing Transport Research Institute; senior engineer; head of National Energy Metering Center (urban transportation); The Chair of Zero Emission and Sustainable Transportation Actions Technical Committee of WTC Transport Planning Division



Low Carbon Transition and Policy Path of Chinese Transportation

报告人:刘睿 中国可再生能源学会储能专委会委员、中国光伏协会户用专委会副主任委员、中公通达(北京)认证中心有限公司副总经理

Reporter:Liu Rui, Member of Energy Storage Special Committee of China Renewable Energy Association, Deputy director of Household Special Committee of China Photovoltaic Association, Executive deputy general manager of Zhonggong Tongda (Beijing) Certification Center



Monitoring and Prediction of Energy Consumption for Road Transport Driven by Polymorphic Energy

报告人:吴亦政 北京交通大学,副教授

Reporter:Wu Yizheng, Associate professor, Beijing Jiaotong University



Conference Conclusion & Award Session



张峻屹 日本工程院外籍院士、国家级计划人才、东南大学交通学院教授;WTC运输规划学部联合主席

Zhang Junyi, Foreign member of the Academy of Engineering, Japan; National Talent Plan selected; Professor of College of Transportation, Southeast University; The Co-chair of WTC Transport Planning Division


日本工程院外籍院士、国家级计划人才、东南大学交通学院教授。研究领域为交通运输规划与管理为核心的跨学科研究(包括城市与区域规划、能源、环境、旅游、公共健康等)。在Nature子刊等高水平期刊发表论文460篇以上,获得12次国际优秀论文奖。担任60家以上学术期刊评审专家和10多家国际学术期刊编委,曾任期刊Asian Transport Studies的责任主编,国际交通行为研究学会(IATBR)的理事。

He is a foreign member of the Japanese Academy of Engineering and a professor of the College of transportation at Southeast University. He has been selected for the national talent plan. His research area is interdisciplinary transportation planning and management (including urban and regional planning, energy, environment, tourism, public health, etc.). He has published more than 460 papers in high-level journals such as Nature sub journals and has received 12 international awards for outstanding papers. He has served as a reviewer for more than 60 academic journals and as an editorial board member of more than 10 international academic journals. He was the editor-in-chief of the journal Asian Transport Studies and a board member of the International Association for Transportation Behavior Research (IATBR).



Exploring New Ways of Decarbonization in the Transport Sector: Methodological Issues

报告精华(Report Summaries)


It introduces the current situation of carbon emission in the transportation sector in the Asia-Pacific region and the research results of carbon emission reduction. It proposes the idea of top-level design of transportation systems serving the planet's health. Further, it advocates the construction of urban immunology and presents a six-loop and six-step approach for formulating carbon emission reduction policies and their process management in the transportation sector based on this theory.


赵胜川 大连理工大学交通运输学院教授、名誉院长;东京大学工学部荣誉研究员;WTC交通工程学部联合主席

Zhao Shengchuan, Professor and Dean of School of Transportation, Dalian University of Technology; Fellow of Engineering Division, University of Tokyo; The Co-chair of WTC Transportation Engineering Division



Ph.D. in engineering, professor, dean of the School of Transportation at Dalian University of Technology, and honorary researcher of the Division of Engineering of the University of Tokyo. His main research areas are transportation planning and management, transportation economics and policy, and transportation behavior analysis. He presided over 4 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, one project funded by both the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Science Foundation of the United States, and participated in four projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, including key projects. He has hosted 3 High-end Foreign Experts Projects. He has published one translated book, "Introduction to Infrastructure" and more than one hundred papers in 《Transportation Research- Part A》、《Journal of Transport Geography》、《Accident Analysis & Prevention》, and other journals.



New Frontiers for Urban Transportation System in Response to Advantages and Disadvantages of Motorized Society

报告精华(Report Summaries)


While having benefited human society, automobile has also caused a series of negative impacts, such as traffic congestion, traffic accidents and emissions, which restrict the sustainable economic development. In this context, countries all over the world are exploring the sustainable urban transportation development strategies, and urban transportation system is undergoing profound changes. This paper tries to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of motorized society based on a number of quantitative researches and then describes the world-wide new trends for urban transportation system, addressing the negative impacts of motorized society. Those trends include ride-sharing, micromobility, TOD (Transit Oriented Development) and MaaS (Mobility as a Service). The paper also reveals the policy design and business models related with the new trends, and concludes with a few implications for China. The research is significant for learning from other countries to formulate the sustainable urban transportation development strategy for China.


王云石 主任,加州大学戴维斯分校交通研究院中国能源与交通中心

Wang Yunshi, Director, China Center for Energy and Transportation, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis



Yunshi Wang is the Director of the China Center for Energy Transportation of the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies and the co- director of the China - U.S. ZEV Policy lab. He has numerous publications reviewing Chinese auto industry and economy. He has previously worked as a senior research fellow at the MIT Sloan School of Management, the World Bank, and as a researcher at the United Nations Development Program.



Projection on Long-term (2050) China Road Transportation Electrification and GHG Emissions

报告精华(Report Summaries)


Transportation is one of the most challenging areas for greenhouse gas emission elimination. With the rapid growth of motor vehicle ownership in China, whether the road transportation sector's energy consumption and GHG emission reduction can support the achievement of the dual carbon target is a hot topic in the field. This study forecasts future vehicle ownership trends by reviewing the development trajectory of other countries and the economic elasticity of motor vehicle ownership. The energy consumption and GHG emissions in the road transportation sector in the medium and long term are modeled through a comprehensive simulation of vehicle sales, fleet transition, and operation.


张秀丽 博士后,加州大学戴维斯分校交通研究院中国能源与交通中心

Zhang Xiuli, Postdoc Researcher, China Center for Energy and Transportation, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis



Xiuli Zhang is a postdoc researcher working at UC Davis. Xiuli Zhang has been working in the field of transportation related emission reduction and energy conservation field for years. Her research interests are electric vehicle and ICE cost parity, environmental justice, and sustainable freight transportation etc. She holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Transportation Technology and Policy from UC Davis, an M.S in environmental sciences from Peking University, and a B.S. in environmental sciences from Nanjing University.


师瑞峰 华北电力大学,教授

Shi Ruifeng, Professor, North China Electric Power University


华北电力大学控制与计算机工程学院,教授,博士生导师IEEE、CSEE、CCF高级会员;中国系统仿真学会离散系统仿真专委会委员;国家重点研发计划项目指南专家,科技部万人计划、国家自然基金评审专家 担任《Sustainability》《交通运输工程学报》能源交通融合特约编辑。主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金等10余项课题。发表学术期刊论文60余篇,授权发明专利5项,出版学术专著两部、译著1部。

Professor, doctoral supervisor of North China Electric Power University. Senior member of the IEEE、CSEE and CCF; the member in Discrete System Simulation Commission Member of China Simulation Federation (CSF); the Special Issue Editor in energy and transportation integrated development for Sustainability and Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering. He is the guide preparation expert for National Key R&D Program, expert reviewer for Ten Thousand Talent Plan and National Natural Science Foundation of China. Presided over 10 projects including the project of National Key R&D Program of China and the project of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Published more than 60 papers in academic journals; authorized 5 invention patents; published 2 academic monographs and 1 translation work.



Scenarios, Patterns and Development Pathway of Road Transportation Clean Self-Consistent Energy System in China

报告精华(Report Summaries)


The crisscross progress and convergence development of transportation and energy, is an effective decarbonization strategy to solve severe challenges such as resource shortage, climate change and environmental pollution. Based on the analysis of national energy safety, the renewable energy supply transformation on transportation system, 12 scenarios and 4 modes of road transportation and energy convergence have been proposed in the study. Road transportation and energy converged self-consistent system with a “Source-network-load-storage-charging” framework and green, effective, resilient performance based on energization of transportation infrastructure assets, self-consistent energy supply, and flexibility of energy management has been constructed. Case study with 9 typical high-way, and national way which covers all 12 scenarios with their comprehensive profits has been investigated and estimated. The pathway of road transportation and energy convergence for China is also proposed after the case study.


郭杰 中国国际可持续交通创新和知识中心交通国际问题研究所副所长(主持工作)

Guo Jie, Director, Institute of International Studies on Transportation in Global Sustainable Transport Innovation and Knowledge Center


长期从事交通运输气候经济系统建模与低碳技术发展政策研究 《联合国气候变化框架公约》第21次缔约方大会国别代表,国际道路协会气候适应战略技术委员会、环境可持续技术委员会中方委员,联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会 AR5、AR6中国区评审专家,国家科技专家库成员;获省部级科学技术奖一等奖3项、二等奖4项,参与起草两份政策报告被中办国办采纳,获党中央国务院有关领导重要批示。

Dr. Guo Jie has long been engaged in modeling the transportation climate economy system and research on low-carbon technology development policies. He was national representative of the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21), Chinese member of the Technical Committee on Climate Adaptation Strategy and the Technical Committee on Environmental Sustainability of the World Road Association (PIARC), AR5 and AR6 review experts of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in China, and members of the national science and technology expert pool; He won 3 first prizes and 4 second prizes of provincial and ministerial science and technology awards, participated in drafting 2 policy reports and was adopted by the Office of the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council, and received important instructions from relevant leaders of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.



Chinese Transportation Low Carbon Transition Technology and Policy Path Discussion

报告精华(Report Summaries)

结合行业低碳转型存在的一些问题与挑战,系统地讲解了“双碳”目标下交通运输低碳转型面临的形势与背景、现状与未来发展趋势、政策措施与发展路径。通过此课程,帮助交通运输从业人员准确理解和正确研判交通运输低碳转型发展形势与工作任务,提高行业低碳交通工作推进和管理水平,进而推动行业做好支撑国家 “双碳”目标实现。

Combined with some problems and challenges existing in the low-carbon transformation of the industry, this paper systematically explains the situation and background, current situation and future development trend, policy measures and development path of the low-carbon transformation of transportation under the "double carbon" goal. This course will help transport practitioners accurately understand and correctly evaluate the development situation and work tasks of low-carbon transport transformation, improve the promotion and management level of low-carbon transport work in the industry, and further promote the industry to support the realization of the national "double carbon" goal.


刘莹 北京交通发展研究院总工、北京交研都市交通科技有限公司常务副总,正高级工程师,国家能源计量中心(城市交通)负责人;WTC运输规划学部零排放与可持续交通行动技术委员会主席

Liu Ying, Chief engineer of Beijing Traffic Development Research Institute; Executive Vice president of Beijing Transport Research Institute; senior engineer; head of National Energy Metering Center (urban transportation); The Chair of Zero Emission and Sustainable Transportation Actions Technical Committee of WTC Transport Planning Division



Chief Engineer of Beijing Transportation Institute, Executive Vice President of Beijing Best Transport Tech Co., Ltd, Senior Engineer, Head of National Energy Metering Center (Urban Transportation), Head of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Laboratory of Beijing Transportation Institute, engaged in the research of green and low-carbon development of urban transportation for many years, and has presided over and participated in more than 100 national and provincial scientific research projects, won many national awards such as the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress and the First Prize of China Intelligent Transportation Association, formed 6 invention patents, participated in the formulation of 8 national and local standards, and published more than 10 academic papers.



From Low Carbon to Zero Carbon, the Development Direction and Path of Transportation in Megacities

报告精华(Report Summaries)


Under the background of global climate change, China's transportation development has experienced a process from high carbon growth to low carbon development in recent 20 years. After the dual carbon goals are proposed in 2020, China has entered a new stage with zero carbon transition as the core. This speech will combine the exploration and practice cases of megacities, propose a "3+2" urban transportation carbon neutral path, namely, the transformation of urban structure, transportation structure and energy structure plus technological innovation and financial empowerment, and focus on the prospect of participating in carbon trading in the field of transportation.


刘睿 中国可再生能源学会储能专委会委员、中国光伏协会户用专委会副主任委员、中公通达(北京)认证中心有限公司常务副总经理

Liu Rui, Member of Energy Storage Special Committee of China Renewable Energy Association, Deputy director of Household Special Committee of China Photovoltaic Association, Executive deputy general manager of Zhonggong Tongda (Beijing) Certification Center


清华大学硕士,北京交通大学博士。北京市“引进人才”;中国光伏协会户用专委会副主任委员;IEEE PES碳中和分委会常务理事;国际IEC TC82观察员;中国可再生能源学会储能专委会委员;中国电气工业协会光伏委员会委员。参加国家863课题5项,国家重点质量工程专项1项;北京市重大科技专项1项;北京经济技术开发区科技创新专项两项。累计发表论文20篇,授权专利两项,参编国家标准1项,行业与团队标准9项。

Master of Tsinghua University, Doctor of Beijing Jiaotong University. Vice Chairman of Household Special Committee of China Photovoltaic Association; International IEC TC82 observer; Member of Energy Storage Special Committee of China Renewable Energy Society; Member of PV Committee recognized by China Electrical Industry Association. As a core research participant, participated in 5 national 863 projects and 1 National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) project; One major science and technology project in Beijing; two special projects for scientific and technological innovation in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, with rich experience in subject development and research. Totally 20 papers have been published, Authorized 2 patents, participated in the compilation of 1 national standard, 6 industry standards, 3 group standards.



Low Carbon Transition and Policy Path of Chinese Transportation

报告精华(Report Summaries)


The integration of transportation and energy has natural resource coupling endowment, and is also the basic composition in the "Four Networks". In the context of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality", how to effectively identify the new energy resources available in the transportation is the key to developing profitable energy investment projects. The planning, design, development and operation of infrastructure projects that combine the characteristics of transportation resources still face many problems in terms of technology, quality and project reliability. High-quality construction and operation of projects is also the basis for long-term profitability of projects. How to ensure the high quality design, development, construction and operation of related projects is the focus of this report, and we hope that this report will provide standard support and technical guarantee for the improvement of new energy development types, equipment introduction, operation, maintenance and management capabilities in the transportation industry.


吴亦政 北京交通大学,副教授

Wu Yizheng, Associate professor, Beijing Jiaotong University



Ph.D., Associate Professor of School of Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, graduated from UC Davis. He is engaged in interdisciplinary research on transportation, energy, and environment, including transportation and energy integration, transportation environmental impact quantification, and transportation environmental health risk assessment. He has presided over nearly ten national and provincial level research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program) and Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. He has published more than 20 high-level papers in the field of transportation and obtained more than 10 authorized invention patents. He is a member of WTC Traffic and Air Quality Committee and Sustainable Transportation Committee.



Monitoring and Prediction of Energy Consumption for Road Transport Driven by Polymorphic Energy

报告精华(Report Summaries)

面向未来包括油/电/氢/混等多态能源驱动下的路网交通流能耗需求,开展基于地理信息系统及路网时空域交通状态的能耗监测及预测研究,解析 “车队结构(车型、燃油类型、排放标准、载重)”、“交通运行(流量、车速、加减速、坡度)”与“能源消耗”三者的耦合关系,最终支持能源补给设备规划与建设,实现交通领域节能降碳。

In order to meet the future energy consumption demand of road network traffic flow driven by multi-state energy such as gas/ electricity/ hydrogen/ hybrid, we carry out research on energy consumption monitoring and prediction based on GIS and traffic status of road network in time and space, analyze the coupling relationship between “fleet structure (vehicle type, fuel type, emission standard, vehicle load)”, “traffic operation” (traffic flow, speed, acceleration/ deceleration, gradient) and “energy consumption”, and finally support the planning and construction of energy replenishment equipment, achieve energy saving and carbon reduction in the transportation field.


宋国华 北京交通大学,教授,环境学院党委书记;WTC交通工程学部交通安全与环境学科联合主席

Song Guohua, Professor, Beijing Jiaotong University; The Co-chair of Transportation Safety and Environment Discipline of WTC Transportation Engineering Division


博士,教授,北京交通大学环境学院党委书记。近五年承担包括国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、“863”子课题、总理基金课题等近十项国家级项目。发表论文100余篇,Google Scholar累计被引2000余次,作为第一发明人获得授权发明专利13项,获中国智能交通协会科技奖一等奖、教育部科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)二等奖,入选交通运输部交通运输行业中青年科技创新领军人才等。

Ph.D., professor, Dean of the School of Environment at Beijing Jiaotong University. He has undertaken almost ten national level projects (including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Key Research and Development Plan, the "863" sub project, and the Premier's Fund project) in the past five years. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journal papers, and Google Scholar has been cited for more than 2000 times. As the first inventor, he has won 13 authorized invention patents, the first prize of the Science and Technology Award of the China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association, the second prize of the Science Technology Improvement Award of Science Research Famous Achievement Award in Higher Institution. He has been selected as a youth science and technology innovation leader in the transportation industry from the Ministry of Transport.






【编辑: 任 燕】


