2024世界交通运输大会 投稿须知     典型人物
WTC平行论坛 ③ | 国际运输与物流论坛 International Transportation and Logistics(图)
来源:世界交通运输大会WTC 时间:2022-10-17






时间(Time):2022年11月6日   09:00-17:30




Theme:New Challenges from international transportation and logistics




Ge Ying-en 

Chang'an University; Associate Editor of TR-D


主办单位  Host


WTC Waterborne Transportation


College of Transportation Engineering, Chang'an University


08:30  Assessing CO2 Emissions of High-Speed Rail in China

报告人:Anming Zhang 不列颠哥伦比亚大学、TR-A副主编

Reporter:Anming Zhang University of British Columbia;Associate Editor of TR-A

09:00  Maritime Cybersecurity threats: Gaps and directions for future research

报告人:Mawuli Afenyo 德克萨斯农工大学加尔维斯顿分校

Reporter:Mawuli Afenyo Texas A&M University at Galveston

09:30  Matching services offered by different transport modes at a hub

报告人:葛颖恩 长安大学运输工程学院院长、TR-D副主编

Reporter: Ge Ying-en, Chang'an University; Associate Editor of TR-D

10:00  Maritime decarbonization pathways: examples from Singapore

报告人:Jasmine Lam 新加坡南洋理工大学、MPM和TR-D副主编

Reporter:Jasmine Lam Nanyang Technological University; Associate Editor of MPM and TR-D

10:30  茶歇  Tea Break




Tan Zhijia 

Dalian Maritime University

11:00  Maritime Cluster Relatedness and Policy Implications

报告人:杨冬 香港理工大学

Reporter:Yang Dong The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

11:30  Co-Modality for Sydney’s Ferries

报告人:Michael Bell, Shengda Zhu & Veronica Schulz 悉尼大学商学院交通运输与物流研究所

Reporter:Michael Bell, Shengda Zhu & Veronica Schulz, ITLS, The University of Sydney Business School



北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院、MPM副主编、J. of Transport Geography & TR-D编委

Adolf K.Y. Ng 

Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College; Associate Editor of MPM,EB Member of J. of Transport Geography & TR-D

13:30  Developing Resilience for Safer Maritime Transport in the Arctic Area

报告人:吴盖宇  北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院、MPM副主编、J. of Transport Geography & TR-D编委

Reporter: Adolf K.Y. Ng, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College;Associate Editor of MPM,EB Member of J. of Transport Geography & TR-D

14:00  A Data-driven Iterative Multi-attribute Clustering Algorithm and Its Application in Port Congestion Estimation

报告人:白茜文 清华大学

Reporter:Bai Xiwen, Tsinghua University

14:30  Regulating the carbon emissions for a multi-modal freight corridor

报告人:谭志加 大连海事大学

Reporter:Tan Zhijia, Dalian Maritime University

15:00  Structures of port connectivity, competition, and shipping networks in Europe

报告人:刘晴  汉堡大学

Reporter:Liu Qing, The University of Hamburg

15:30  茶歇  Tea Break




Bai Xiwen 

Tsinghua University

16:00  Climate Risk Analysis in Transport: Uncertainty Modelling

报告人:杨再励 利物浦约翰摩尔大学

Reporter:Yang Zaili, Liverpool John Moores University

16:30  Capturing dynamic spillover effects between green economy and the dry bulk shipping market

报告人:杨佳琳 & Kevin Cullinane 哥德堡大学、上海海事大学

Reporter:Yang Jialin & Kevin Cullinane, University of Gothenburg & Shanghai Maritime University



葛颖恩 长安大学;TR-D副主编

Ge Ying-en, Chang'an University; Associate Editor of TR-D


博士、教授,2021年9月被任命为长安大学运输工程学院院长。他先后于大连理工大学、东南大学和同济大学获学士、硕士和博士学位;博士毕业前,作为研究助理到香港理工大学工作5个月。自2000年春,先后在加州大学Davis分校、英国Ulster大学、贝尔法斯特女王大学、爱丁堡Napier大学从事研究工作;2008年7月转到城市、区域和交通运输规划咨询界工作。2010年3月回国到大连理工大学担任教授,2013年12月被任命为上海海事大学交通运输学院院长、2016年入选上海市高层次人才计划。 他的研究具有跨学科的特点,把管理科学与运筹学的理论、模型和方法用于交通运输问题的解决;其研究成果主要在交通运输网络分析及应用、交通与环境以及国际运输与物流等领域等。目前担任国际交通运输领域主流学术期刊Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment的副主编(明年1月起担任主编)、也是国际港口航运界旗舰期刊Maritime Policy & Management的副主编;此外,他是Transport Policy、International Journal of Sustainable Transportation等国际重要学术期刊的编委会委员、《交通信息与安全》第八届编委会副主任等。

Dr Ying-En Ge, since September 2021, has been Professor of the College of Transportation Engineering at Chang’an University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. His primary academic interests include transportation network modeling and analysis, transport policy & environment, and operations and management of ports & shipping. He worked in the Europe and in the USA for more than 10 years and currently serves as associate editor for international scholarly journals of Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Maritime Policy & Management, and Transport, and is a member of the editorial boards of International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Transport Policy, Maritime Transport Research, Transportation Informatics and Safety, etc. Over the years he also served as the Executive Chair of the 6th International Symposium on Travel Demand Management (TDM2013), the Chair of the Organizing Committee of the 6th Transportation Research Forum (Shanghai, 2015), and the 16th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2016). His publications appear in Transportation Science, Transportation Research Parts A-E, Maritime Policy & Management, Networks and Spatial Economics, Transportmetrica, etc.


Matching services offered by different transport modes at a hub

报告精华(Report Summaries)

This work offers a model to optimize the “portfolio” of services offered by different transport modes and the storage capacity of the hub. The factors to consider include the service rate and capacity of each mode, the space and human labour demand of each mode, energy consumption, emissions, etc. We treat a bub as a cross point of many a transport or logistics chain. Then we consider the efficiency and cost-benefit of each chain and the bub as a whole. This enables us to prioritize these chains according to the strategic or emergent needs and prioritize investment into these chains or those facilities or resources they share. The formulated model may make the hub operator make a more reasonable decision on the characteristics of a hub.


Anming Zhang 不列颠哥伦比亚大学;TR-A副主编

Anming Zhang, University of British Columbia; Associate Editor of TR-A


Anming Zhang is a Full Professor in Operations and Logistics and holds Vancouver International Airport Authority Chair Professor in Air Transportation at Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia (UBC). He served as the Head of the Operations and Logistics Division, Sauder School of Business (2003-2005), and as the Director of UBC’s Centre for Transport Studies (2003-2004). He is President-elect of the World Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) and the President-elect of Transportation and Public Utilities Group (TPUG) of American Economic Association. Dr. Zhang is the recipient of the “Yokohama Special Prize for Outstanding Young Researcher” awarded at the 7th World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR) in Sydney, Australia in 1995, and of the “WCTR-Society Prize”, awarded to the overall best paper of the 8th WCTR in Antwerp, Belgium, in 1998. In June 2014, he won the “Best Overall Paper Prize” at the annual ITEA (International Transport Economics Association) Conference on Transportation Economics, Toulouse School of Economics, France. Currently, he is also the Vice Present (Publications) of WCTR. https://www.sauder.ubc.ca/people/anming-zhang


Assessing CO2 Emissions of High-Speed Rail in China

报告精华(Report Summaries)

My presentation consists of three parts. In the first part, I'll introduce the general background on climate change, transportation, and high-speed rail (HSR) development in China. In the second part, I'll discuss in detail a paper "Assessing Carbon Dioxide Emissions of High-Speed Rail: The Case of Beijing-Shanghai Corridor" (with Peiyu Chen, Yuan Lu and Yulai Wan). This paper provides an ex-post assessment of net CO2 emissions of the Beijing-Shanghai HSR by including both the mode substitution and traffic generation effects with a life-cycle approach. We are among the first authors to examine the emissions effects of a long-haul HSR and to consider the effects of avoided infrastructure expansion and vehicle manufacturing due to traffic diversion. We find that avoided infrastructure expansion plays a limited role in offsetting CO2 emissions from the construction of an HSR infrastructure, but the reduced demand for passenger vehicles can offset a larger share of emissions from the manufacturing of HSR rolling stock. Initially, too much traffic was diverted from ordinary-speed rail (OSR) to HSR, increasing emissions at the operation stage. As traffic diverted from road and air increased, the net emissions at the operation stage turned negative, offsetting emissions from infrastructure construction and vehicle manufacturing. In the last part, I'll extend the discussion and further discuss the avenues for future research.


Michael Bell, Shengda Zhu & Veronica Schulz 悉尼大学商学院交通运输与物流研究所

Michael Bell, Shengda Zhu & Veronica Schulz, The University of Sydney Business School


Michael Bell is the Foundation Professor of Ports and Maritime Logistics in the Institute of Transport and Logistics. Prior to his commencement at the University of Sydney in August 2012, he was Professor of Transport Operations and Director of the Port Operations Research and Technology Centre (PORTeC) at Imperial College London. Having graduated in 1975 from Cambridge University with a BA in Economics, he obtained an MSc in Transportation (1976) and a PhD on Freight Distribution (1981), both from Leeds University. Between 1979 and 1982 he worked as a Research Associate at University College London, before moving to the Institut für Verkehrswesen at the Technical University of Karlsruhe as an Alexander von Humboldt post-doctoral Research Fellow. He returned to the UK in 1984 to a New Blood lectureship at the University of Newcastle. In 1992 he became the Deputy Director of the Transport Operations Research Group (TORG), becoming its Director in 1996, when he was also promoted to a Personal Chair. In January 2002, he moved to Imperial College London. His research and teaching interests are catholic, spanning ports and maritime logistics, transport network modelling, traffic engineering, and intelligent transport systems. He is the author of many papers, a number of books (including Transportation Network Analysis, published in 2007) and was for 17 years an Associate Editor of Transportation Research B. In 2005 he founded the Port Operations Research and Technology Centre (PORTeC), a virtual centre spanning both Civil Engineering and the Business School dedicated to research and consultancy in the field of ports and maritime logistics. https://www.sydney.edu.au/business/about/our-people/academic-staff/michael-bell.html


Co-Modality for Sydney’s Ferries

报告精华(Report Summaries)

Logistics issues arising from the last mile delivery of goods in an urban environment are plentiful. Co-modality, whereby the movement of freight and passengers are integrated on the same public transport mode, can mitigate road congestion and promote sustainable transport. This working paper investigates the merits of using co-modality for the ‘intermediate mile’ with Sydney’s ferries in Australia. A global review of field trials found that a high level of stakeholder interaction and a robust data management system are necessary to ensure the success of the endeavour. A review of the transit assignment literature led to the selection of the frequency-based transit assignment model to locate spare capacity in the ferry network before the pandemic. Additionally, there was an evaluation of every ferry station’s suitability for handling cargo with proposals for storage areas within each ferry station. An assessment of a range of Unit Load Devices (ULDs) in which goods are carried led to the selection of the ‘meter cube’ container as the most viable for Sydney’s ferries. Tracking and tracing requirements were reviewed. Four business models are developed for different delivery processes and types of cargo – pickup and delivery of full meter cube containers, parcels transported in meter cube containers, or perishable goods transported in refrigerated meter cube containers. The repositioning of empty meter cube containers is not considered in detail. Potential limitations, risks and next steps for the successful implementation of co-modality for Sydney’s ferries are detailed.


吴盖宇 北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院;MPM副主编,J. of Transport Geography & TR-D编委Adolf K.Y. Ng, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College; Associate Editor of MPM,EB Member of J. of Transport Geography & TR-D


吴盖宇教授是UIC工商管理学部教授。在加入UIC之前,他曾是加拿大曼尼托巴大学Asper商学院运输和供应链管理系教授。他从英国牛津大学(圣安东尼学院)获得博士学位,曾在中国香港理工大学和荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学任职。 Ng教授擅长港口管理、运输地理、气候变化适应规划、运输基础设施规划和管理、体制和组织变革、全球供应链和海事教育等方面的研究和教学。他获得了超过1100万美元的研究资助,学术成果包括四本书,60多篇在主要期刊上发表的论文,以及其他形式的出版物。

Adolf K.Y. Ng obtained his DPhil from University of Oxford (UK), and worked as a faculty member at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (China) and Erasmus University Rotterdam, (Netherlands). He primary research interests include maritime management, transport geography, climate change, transport infrastructure planning and management, and global supply chains. He has (co-)authored three scholarly books, more than 40 papers in leading scholarly journals, and other forms of publications. He has received numerous prestigious accolades around the world. Notable examples include Fulbright Scholar Program (USA), Endeavour Research Fellowship (Australia), Universités Parisiennes Fellowship (France), Rh Award for Outstanding Contributions to Scholarship and Research in Interdisciplinary Studies (Canada), Associates’ Achievement Award for Outstanding Business Research (Canada), Eagle Prize for Outstanding Young Scholar in Maritime Research (International Association of Maritime Economists) (IAME), and several Best Paper Awards by various international transport, logistics, and supply chain conferences. With such expertise, he has provided strategic advice to major intergovernmental organizations, such as the United Nations (UN), European Commission (EC) and the African Development Bank (AFDB). Currently, he is a council member of IAME, Associate Editor of Maritime Policy & Management, Co-Editor of Journal of Transport Literature, Associate Editor of The Maritime Economist, and an editorial board member of reputable geography, transport, and logistics journals.


Developing Resilience for Safer Maritime Transport in the Arctic Area

报告精华(Report Summaries)

In this study, we develop a resilience index using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP). Data collection for the index’s implementation started during a research voyage along the Northwest Passage in Canada. It resulted in 61 valid responses, upon which the relative importance and the level of satisfaction of resilience builders were investigated. The findings indicate that factors that rank high on importance are, in many cases, not that high on satisfaction. This presents dilemmas regarding the effectiveness of the current practices in promoting safe and resilient Arctic shipping management practices.


Jasmine Lam 新加坡南洋理工大学;MPM副主编

Jasmine Lam, Nanyang Technological University; Associate Editor of MPM


Prof. Dr. LAM Siu Lee Jasmine has extensive experience in university teaching, executive training, research and consultancy in the fields of maritime studies, logistics, sustainable development. She is Centre Director of Maritime Energy and Sustainable Development (MESD) Centre of Excellence; served as Director of Maritime Studies programmes at NTU for 12 years (2008-2020). She has been invited by numerous organisations such as IMO, World Bank, IAPH, NOL, port authorities and companies as a keynote speaker, chair, and panelist at international conferences and seminars. https://dr.ntu.edu.sg//cris/rp/rp00229


Maritime decarbonization pathways: examples from Singapore

报告精华(Report Summaries)

Maritime decarbonization is a strategic topic of interest in view of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction targets set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). According to the IMO Strategy on the reduction of GHG emissions from ships, the shipping industry in 2050 aims to reduce GHG emissions drastically at least by 50%, comparing with their level in 2008. There are various ways to help achieving this target, including technical and operation measures and adopting cleaner and greener alternative energy sources. The presentation provides an overview of various maritime decarbonization pathways and measures. As a maritime hub, Singapore is active in conducting research projects in these areas. Examples from Singapore will be illustrated. 


杨冬 香港理工大学

Yang Dong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Dr. YANG Dong is now an assistant professor at Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, Director of International Shipping and Transport Logistics Master Program, Deputy Director of Shipping Research Centre, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is Associate Editor of International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (IJSTL), Maritime Business Review (MBR) and THE MARITIME Economist. He also acts as guest editor of several prestigious journals including Transportation Research Part E, Transport Policy, Maritime Policy & Management,and etc. https://research.polyu.edu.hk/en/persons/dong-yang


Maritime Cluster Relatedness and Policy Implications

报告精华(Report Summaries)

Despite exiting debates on the maritime cluster's institutional composition, geographical boundary, or evolutionary pattern, few studies have empirically scrutinized the relatedness of sectors inside the maritime cluster. The paper contributes current studies in three aspects. First, we modified the industry relatedness model to quantitatively measure the paired industry relatedness among three maritime sectors: port-related, shipping-related, and maritime business services. Second, maritime sectors can be labor-intensive or capital-intensive, and thereby we constructed a compound ratio of capital per capita to address the heterogeneity issue. Third, instead of focusing on a specific maritime cluster, the paper compared the evolution process of three representative maritime clusters: Western Europe, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), and Yangtze River Delta (YRD) to enhance the generality of implications. Findings are that in Western Europe, shipping-related sub-sectors have tighter intra-sector connections than inter-sector; GBA has a polarized maritime industry structure with Hong Kong specialized in Shipping finance and Brokerage; cities in YRD have distinguished specialty in Shipbuilding and repairing. By tracing the historical development of three maritime clusters, we found differences in industry relatedness are mainly attributable to the geographical and institutional natures of the focal region. The results will provide a valuable reference for policymakers to facilitate local and regional development by optimizing maritime cluster structure.


Mawuli Afenyo 德克萨斯农工大学加尔维斯顿分校

Mawuli Afenyo, Texas A&M University at Galveston


Ph.D. Engineering, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2017 M.B.A. Business Administration, Bologna Business School, 2013 B.S. Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, 2009. https://www.tamug.edu/mara/FacultyBios/Mawuli-Afenyo.html


Maritime Cybersecurity threats: Gaps and directions for future research

报告精华(Report Summaries)

The maritime industry has become vulnerable to attacks lately. These attacks often come in different forms, including cyber and piracy. Future increase in cyberattacks and cyber vulnerability for maritime supply chains is already an established consensus among practitioners and academics. It is therefore important to enact policies and build resilient systems to effectively address the threats posed by these attacks. However, there is little information in the literature regarding the research gaps and future needs of the maritime industry in terms of cyber security. In this conceptual paper, a review study is undertaken to identify the research gaps in maritime cybersecurity, proposal of how these gaps could be addressed and future research priorities are discussed. In addition, it identifies policies that need to be updated and enacted. The results show that there is currently a huge gap as: 1) the literature does not have real time data on maritime cyber-attacks, making it difficult for modeling and future prediction of such attacks to be carried out, 2) the economic impact of maritime cyber-attack has only been addressed rather slightly, 3) the curriculum and educational system for training maritime professionals is limited in building their capacity to address current and future cyber threats. In addition, current national and international laws are structurally inadequate to regulate the maritime cyber space.


Liu Qing 汉堡大学

Liu QingThe University of Hamburg


Prof. Dr. Qing Liu has been the Chair and junior professor for Maritime Economics at the University of Hamburg since May 2016. Prior to her appointment to the University of Hamburg, she has been the Director of Transportation Economics/Transportation Economist at Nick J. Rahall Transportation Institute (RTI) in West Virginia, U.S. for two years, and before that a Research Assistant at the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI) in North Dakota, U.S. After working on various topics of transportation and logistics in the early years, she determined to focus on Maritime Economics and Global Logistics, for which her passion has lasted over ten years since she first studied in International Shipping Management for her bachelor study in Dalian Maritime University in China. https://www.bwl.uni-hamburg.de/merc/team/liu.html


Structures of port connectivity, competition, and shipping networks in Europe

报告精华(Report Summaries)

In this study, we use service-based centrality measures to evaluate 29 major European ports' centrality levels and apply them to both the China-connection and intra-Europe networks. The largest European container ports are primarily centrally positioned in the China-connection network, but relatively weak in the intra-network unless capacities are considered. An important insight into the impacts of Chinese influence has been revealed by Piraeus: its strikingly high ranking with closeness centrality in the China-Europe network and in all the three indices in the intra-Europe network suggest the strong influence of Chinese presence. However, its “normal” degree and betweenness measures in the China-Europe network, ranking below the first tier ports, indicates that the impacts are not comprehensive enough to fundamentally shift the established China-Europe shipping system. The major ports along the Hamburg-Le Havre range remain as hubs within the intercontinental shipping networks, with Piraeus rapidly catching up. The influences of relationships with the liners and even countries are not just revealed by Piraeus, but also by Hamburg, which has obtained high ranking in the China-connection network due to its strong bonds with Chinese trade. Finally, we illustrate that port centrality comparisons must be made with a clearly defined network, as their positions within different networks can be very different.


谭志加 大连海事大学

Tan Zhijia, Dalian Maritime University


谭志加,男,1978.09,大连海事大学航运经济与管理学院教授、博士生导师;2010 年获香港科技大学交通运输工程博士学位,2005 年获复旦大学运筹学与控制论硕士学位,2000 年获中国地质大学应用数学学士学位;2010 年7月至2018年3月担任华中科技大学副教授,2018 年4月至今就职大连海事大学,2012-2017 香港科技大学(6个月)新加坡国立大学(10个月)从事博士后研究;主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,教育部、交通部项目各1项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题2项、参与国家社会科学基金重大项目子课题2项;发表学术论文30 多篇。http://hg.dlmu.edu.cn/Tanzhijia-CV2021.pdf


Regulating the carbon emissions for a multi-modal freight corridor

报告精华(Report Summaries)

The emission regulations are frequently adopted by the transportation agency to reduce the heavy air pollution. The government always sets her mode-based regulation policies, namely, the policy is designed for the specific transportation mode, such as, road and waterway. However, the regulation results in the increasing of the operation or investment cost of the freight carriers and causes the shift of the freight among the transportation modes. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the efficiency of the emission regulation policies in the systematic viewpoint. In this paper, we consider a freight corridor with multiple transportation modes including road, rail and waterway. The emission regulation is modeled as an increment of the marginal operation cost. We studied the equilibrium of the mode choice under different emission regulations, and examined the efficiency domains of the regulations under different emission control policies. The study is helpful for the government to rule out the inefficient emission control policies in the systematic viewpoint.


杨佳琳 & Kevin Cullinane 哥德堡大学,上海海事大学

Yang Jialin & Kevin Cullinane, University of Gothenburg & Shanghai Maritime University


Prof. Kevin Cullinane is Professor of International Logistics and Transport Economics at the University of Gothenburg. Kevin has been a logistics adviser to the World Bank and transport adviser to the governments of Scotland, Ireland, Hong Kong, Egypt, Chile and the U.K. He holds an Honorary Professorship at the University of Hong Kong and is a Visiting Professor at the VTI (the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute), Liverpool John Moores University, Dalian Maritime University and Shanghai Maritime University. Prior to joining the University of Gothenburg on a permanent basis, he was appointed to the lifetime position of Honorary Visiting Professor at the University. Kevin has personally won research and consultancy projects to the value of $US 7m, many of which have informed the policies of national and/or regional governments. He has held other positions as the Director of the Transport Research Institute (TRI) at Edinburgh Napier University, Chair in Marine Transport & Management at Newcastle University, Professor and Head of the Department of Shipping & Transport Logistics at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Head of the Centre for International Shipping & Transport at Plymouth University, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford Transport Studies Unit and as Senior Partner in his own transport consultancy company, based in Cairo, Rennes, Hong Kong, Edinburgh and now Gothenburg, He is an Associate Editor of Transportation Research D, Maritime Economics & Logistics and the International Journal of Applied Logistics. Kevin has been a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport since 1997. His experience and expertise has been recognized with an invitation from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to nominate candidates for the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2020-Present) and his appointment to the Civil and Construction Engineering sub-panel for REF 2014 and the Engineering sub-panel for REF2021; the UK’s national research evaluation exercise. https://www.gu.se/en/about/find-staff/kevincullinane


Capturing dynamic spillover effects between green economy and the dry bulk shipping market

报告精华(Report Summaries)

This paper is ultimately motivated by the growing concern with transport emissions and the need for identifying the underlying relationship between the shipping market(s) and the green economy. This paper employs an approach based on the use of the time-varying parameter vector autoregressive model (TVP-VAR) to explore the dynamic connectedness between three sub-segments of the dry bulk shipping market i.e., the Capesize, Panamax and Handymax sectors and the green economies of the U.S., Europe and Asia. The results are analyzed and compared, revealing that the U.S. green economy plays a dominant role in the information transmission framework most of the time, while the European green economy closely shadows the U.S. green economy. The Capesize market is found to play the role of information transmitter when there is a large demand for dry bulk ships. The results of the analysis also suggest that the Panamax and Handymax markets are more likely to be under the influence of the green economy. The Asian green economy is found to be an information receiver in all circumstances.


Yang Zaili 利物浦约翰摩尔大学

Yang Zaili, Liverpool John Moores University


Zaili Yang is Professor of Maritime Transport at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK. Prior to his current appointment, he was Reader in Maritime Transport (2010-2014) and a lecturer in Maritime Operations (2007-2010) at the School of Engineering, Technology and Maritime Operations, LJMU. He received his BEng in Maritime Transportation from Dalian Maritime University, China, in 2001, MSc in International Transport from Cardiff University, UK, in 2003, and PhD in Maritime Safety from LJMU, UK, in 2006. Prof. Yang’s research interests are analysis and modelling of safety, resilience and sustainability of transport networks, particularly maritime and logistics systems. https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/about-us/staff-profiles/faculty-of-engineering-and-technology/school-of-engineering/zaili-yang


Climate Risk Analysis in Transport: Uncertainty Modelling

报告精华(Report Summaries)

Climate change and its impact on transportation need to be addressed from both mitigation and adaptation perspectives. The development of rational adaptation measures in transport requires quantitative climate risk analysis to ensure that the benefits of the measures (i.e., climate risk reduction) can outweigh the associated cost of implementing them. However, quantification of risks often involves high uncertainty, particularly in the climate change context where historical risk data are not always available or accessible. To deal with the high uncertainty in climate risk data, a few advanced climate risk analysis methods are developed using different uncertainty theories, including fuzzy logic, Dempster-Shafer (D-S), and Bayesian probabilistic theories. They are applied in various transport modes including road, rail, ports, and airports. This presentation aims to critically analyse such methods and their applications to allow their advances to be disseminated in the wider transport community.


白茜文 清华大学

Bai Xiwen, Tsinghua University


清华大学工业工程系助理教授,《Maritime Policy & Management》副主编。2019年博士毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学。研究方向集中于航运与物流管理,港航经济,数字航运等。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目。

Dr. Xiwen Bai is an assistant professor at Tsinghua University since 2019. Her main research interests include maritime transportation management and shipping big data analytics. She received the B.S. degree in Maritime Studies in 2015 and Ph.D. degree in 2019 from Nanyang Technological University. She also received the master degree in supply chain management from MIT in 2018. She has published over 20 SCI/SSCI papers in leading international journals including Transportation research Part A/E, Journal of Transport Geography, Transport Policy, Risk Analysis, Energy, and Energy Economics, etc. She serves as the associate editor of Maritime Policy & Management. She is also the recipient of several international awards including 2021 the 10th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS) best student paper award, 2021 World Transport Convention (WTC) excellent paper award, 2020 28th Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) best paper award, and 3rd Place of Global AIS Big Data Hackathon organized by the United Nations.


A Data-driven Iterative Multi-attribute Clustering Algorithm and Its Application in Port Congestion Estimation

报告精华(Report Summaries)

Container port congestion threatens the effectiveness and sustainability of the global supply chain because it stagnates cargo flows and triggers ripple effects across connected, multimodal freight transport networks. This study aims to develop a novel and tangible method with which to measure port congestion by investigating ship behaviors between different zones in port waters. Different port zones have varying ship densities because ships moor in the anchorage area randomly but dock at berths in an orderly and close fashion. This observation leads us to apply the density-based clustering method for port zone identification and differentiation. In order to ensure the method is globally applicable and accurate, we develop a new clustering algorithm, an iterative, multi-attribute DBSCAN (IMA-DBSCAN), which incorporates an iterative process, and both spatial information and domain knowledge. The necessary input data for the algorithm is extracted from the Automatic Identification System (AIS), a satellite-based tracking system with real-time ship positioning and sailing data. An illustrative case suggests that our algorithm can rapidly and precisely identify anchorage areas and individual berths (even in a port with complicated geographic features), while other methods cannot. The algorithm is applied to measure congestion at 20 major container ports in the world, and the results prove its efficiency and practical applicability. 


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【编辑: 任 燕】



